

Virtual Demo Day | Tulsa Area | July 18th

Virtual Event
Join our Tulsa Main Campus for a Virtual Demo Day event on Saturday, July 18 ! Watch demonstrations, hear from instructors & more!
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About This Event

Join our Tulsa campus team online, Thursday, July 18, for our virtual Demo Day event! This is an exciting opportunity see some of the labs and equipment that we use to train our students from the comfort of your home! Our Aviation Electronics Technology (AET) and Aviation Maintenance Technology (AMT) program chairs will join the event to showcase several virtual demonstrations and answer questions from attendees.

Join us to get insight into what a day in a student's life is like and find out how to make your training goals a reality. Our admissions team is excited to talk about training and will be available to answer any questions and comments.

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Two AMT students testing turbine vertical
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